Well..today was my last day of clinical kat Accidental and Emergency Dept.
Hari ani pling lama masa kan balik and p sibuk..
Nwy..got my new scissor...tourniquet...and was given a torch light for free...by Kaka Mariam..
again today the insertion of the cannulation failed...
sasak ku nda tah pandai dpt kli tu...damn...nanti g ku bljr..
Tonight aku donate blood..as it was open..
kelurusan ku bayar for my gunting d A+E..hehee
bnyk chinese..an association...
sampai jua hajat ku mendonate..hehehe
I'm kinda hungry at the moment..hehe
I lost 6 kilos dah..hehe tdi 58.7KG..hehehe
no more pre-obese..hehe..
glad..I've decided to buy a canon 1000D..
nanti2 ku beli yg mahal..haha
g pun yg penting org yg capture moments and all..
mun camera mahal p nda lawa nda faedah jua..hehe
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