Wednesday 14 January 2009

TOYOTA lucky Draw...

that day...sikit g my sis manang the HILUX car.....p nasib bek jua...nda apalah...ia manang camera dpt jua ku minjam nanti ..hahaha the whole family bah ke sana...i mean..aku sama kakaku punya family..hahaha...siuk bah...breakfast free kali ah...3 x round kali..hahaha..kaka ku manang camera sony...cyber shot7.2 mp..ia masuk newspaper jua..syukurtah.. nda ku sampat bah ngambar kaka ku wf the camera..haha

What the fcuk???!!!!

kamu tau apa...
aku lahir 24hb
Iyou 26hb
Aimi 28hb
Aimi bulan january..nda lama ia bday
Iyou february
aku March
blood type
Iyou A
Aimi B
Aku O
...p i think terbalik jua ayu A and Aimi B x
hahaha pelupa..
anywho...mcm meant to be jua toh..

planning kan pindah aku sama si umairah...salnya..aku carai sama abiz Iyou...yg len tu...yg dlm gmbr except me n aimi...carai sama umairah

4 the record we are not together just best friends

Well I've been busy with my art club (fun x ah)...
I started school 2 days ago...
the good thing happened I met my best friends and my circle of friends
the bad news...
I got separated from Aimi and Aeiou...
pacah wah...baie x eh...
we are divided into 2 groups...
Aimi and Aeiou..sama2...mcm sengaja bah mencaraikan
org2 yg rapat last yer...
...other than me, Aimi and Aeiou...
Ika & Nita
Amnani & Nabilah
Aku & Harith
Wani & Izzati
Org Hostel bini2 & the hostel boys yg rapat sesama dorng pun semua pacah wah...
even si Umairah sama abiz geng si Nad wah...C teah g tah...dgn hostel pun ia nda sma2..boreng eh...Wht d fcuk is goin' on?...tpi nda apa ...
maybe as they say..
"Ada Udang sebalik Batu"/"Ada hikmah disebaliknya"
