Friday, 15 October 2010

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Today is the speed stacks competition..

Today is the day,
that I will face challenges
with the other speed stacker newbs,
unknown speed stackers...
Nervous Breakdown!..haha

Sunday, 12 September 2010


1st of all, I would Like to say
Raya has been ok so far but as I expected I still do not have the Raya MOde..
It's so annoying but I am glad I have a full fasting MONTh..
My first day was OK..went to KG Putat dad's childhood and teenage hood's place..
My mother is staying there with my we went to visit her..and so on..My second was...I stayed at home doing something...
Third..same as day 2..but there are some changes...
I went to eat at this Korean restaurant at Qlap...
It was OK but it wasn't my kind of food..all I can say I was not hungry and adventurous at all...
After that, We went to buy 2 pair of new shoes for me and went to see the Resident Evil : AfterLife Movie...It was AWESOMENESS!..siuk money was not wasted like some movies I've below..hahaha..cutey shoes!

and the movie is good! below..lesbian moment..inda plng lesbian moment literally...mcm aja..hahaha but I really like the actions in this scene here before this picture in the movie

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Blood Donation at Nite Time was my last day of clinical kat Accidental and Emergency Dept.
Hari ani pling lama masa kan balik and p sibuk.. my new scissor...tourniquet...and was given a torch light for Kaka Mariam..
again today the insertion of the cannulation failed...
sasak ku nda tah pandai dpt kli tu...damn...nanti g ku bljr..
Tonight aku donate it was open..
kelurusan ku bayar for my gunting d A+E..hehee
bnyk association...
sampai jua hajat ku mendonate..hehehe
I'm kinda hungry at the moment..hehe
I lost 6 kilos dah..hehe tdi 58.7KG..hehehe
no more pre-obese..hehe..
glad..I've decided to buy a canon 1000D..
nanti2 ku beli yg mahal..haha
g pun yg penting org yg capture moments and all..
mun camera mahal p nda lawa nda faedah jua..hehe

Thursday, 12 August 2010

My Ramadhan...

1st day is far....
I wish this ramdhan will be a blast and
I hope A+E dept is an awesome place to work in..
My presentation on MHN (Schizophrenia) sucked to the max
I don't to talk about it
It's too painful but good news I passed my supplement.
I'm looking forward for this puasa and I wish my wish will come true..that is all.

Lots of things to do like focusing on the presentations, assignments and the exams as well as the clinical areas. Hope everything works for me.

Sunday, 1 August 2010

Tomorrow is the G5 "it's all about art" art exhibition...

Hey Bloggers!!!!
I haven't been updating my blog lately..
so busy..!
but the real reason is ...I'm lazy..hehehe
anywho, tomorrow is a big day for me and my art club members..
plus the connection sucks...
I think I'm going to buy a GO! broadband device..DST..heheh
I'm so excited and nervous for tomorrow... I want to shake Sultan's hands..
wish I can sleep tonight due to the insomnia I'm having...
wish everything is back to normal...
I missed my dad too...
Fasting month is getting closer day by day...
and this semester I'm going to Accidental and Emergency dept for my first clinical rotation...
I'm kinda nervous..but I want to accept the challenge...
for my 2nd rotation I will be at the Anggrek Clinics...
and for my 3rd rotation, I will be at the RIPAS Mental Health Unit...
Let's just hope I can deal with everything including my presentations and assignments and..attendance..and discipline...and oSCE exam too.
I don't to disappoint others again and of course my self...
hope my supp exam is alright..and I hope to score for this semester's exams..amin..mudahan jua ku pass...I want to get an A for once in my life... I mean I have gotten B,C,D,E and F..this time I want to get an A on my favorite subjects in Nursing.

Saturday, 12 June 2010

I'm supporting England

Me and gaining WEIGHT!!! NO!!!!!hahaha

It's been a while we have not take pictures together...

Mona and I..AWESOMELY taken by our dearest friend AZAM23rd...
LOVE his skills in PHOTOgraphY...

AS y ou know by looking at the fort picture I an Enland supporter..hahaha..
actually bnyk plng..p mls ku nyabut..hehehe
nwy...kemarin england and USA like 1 sama..sasak ku
bek jua nda kalah..mun kalah hampa jua ku tu
and bek jua ku nda mliat...
reason y ku nda bgn so damn tired sal dri pgi kemarin ku nda rehat
and the nite before pun sama jua..hahaha
but I'll be watching the othr matches though..hehehe
no worries..

Friday, 11 June 2010

Hung out with daus today and tonight...

Hung out with daus today and tonight...
kmi shopping for shirts and jerseys...and formal clothing for daus lah..
it was fun//nda plng terasa...
kmi jln after sembhyg jumat...
my new clothes are awesomeness..\
hahaha raget kli ah but if guys pakai mcm gay..
p aku pkai..agetz..hahhaa..prasan kh apa..hahaha...
aku beli england jersey yg Home kali..hahahbut who cares I got ONE..hahaha

The jersey look sumthing like and exactly like this one..hahhaa
If LIVE pakai lawa lah..hahha
my 2 baju baru also white in colour
and ada hoods...hahaha
a bit stylish lah..hahhaa..

Monday, 24 May 2010

been busy...

been busy..
this semester sucks...
mostly everything...
studies...the suckiest
well, tht's life..
nwy just wana share a few photos that i took recently

Saturday, 8 May 2010


Wah! it's been so long dah...
to be exact it's been a month +++++
since I've last updated... osce sucks..hate it
I've been busy being lazy...and hoping to be
not lazy for the next Nursing and Health 4 exam coming this tuesday..
hopefully I can nailed it this time...
everything changes...i wonder why?!
well that's they say...bullshit lah nya cgu zil..hahhaa
I'm also looking forward for the face painting that we were invited to..
that is to do a charity day again...hehehe
and I'm looking forward for the exhibition too...
anyway, I wud like you to know that I'm not going to beijing this year
hopefully I'll go ikut junior for the ET..hehehe
All the best for me for this semester and the next semester...
may god bless me..amin...

Thursday, 25 March 2010

recent it was my birtday...

recently it was my birthday...
it was on the 24th..
and it's been so long I haven't updated this blog.
well kinda ada suprise cake for me every year..hahha
this year pun ada..usual as but i thnk ani pling nyaman..hahaha...
clinical was a lot fun dri d RIPAS...
tinggal sama dorng mirul, harith, gman and chau..
siuk..kmi begay..hahhaa
makan pizza sama dorng..hehehe...
i like!
so far this march til today i have good times..hehehe

Saturday, 6 March 2010

BUnga Pacar @ TaseK Lama

Some shots that I like during our G5 trip at Tasek Lama..hehehe

Monday, 22 February 2010

New Photos gear samSung i8

NEW PHOTOS Gear Samsung i8...
Aaliyah ambil gambar yang aku sama Alisya...
and obviuosly aku yg edit..
brightness and contrass saturation colour,
tint and colour temperature changed
yg cicak obviously aku yang ambil..
hope you like it

Saturday, 30 January 2010

Sorry for the late and paling longest update... I said tdi SORRRYYYY..
Pendek kan ceta ja sal tuk bulan satu nie..mmm
mcm2 ada...
yg plng borengnesss ialah...
awal2 dah ia tunjuk2kan dirinya tu so..
apakah..bek ia tujuk prasan d skulah tu...

I've mad3 Aimi a prezie...
si Beb dah ku bgi time buka skulah
case study which we will do when we are in clinical...
kn praktis osce sama abiz si beb...
and there are lots to cover for N&H..
Ya Allah, tolonglah aku...
amin amin ya rabal alamin
2 assignments-law and ethics & Research with its seminar
