Hey Bloggers!!!!
I haven't been updating my blog lately..
so busy..!
but the real reason is ...I'm lazy..hehehe
anywho, tomorrow is a big day for me and my art club members..
plus the connection sucks...
I think I'm going to buy a GO! broadband device..DST..heheh
I'm so excited and nervous for tomorrow... I want to shake Sultan's hands..
wish I can sleep tonight due to the insomnia I'm having...
wish everything is back to normal...
I missed my dad too...
Fasting month is getting closer day by day...
and this semester I'm going to Accidental and Emergency dept for my first clinical rotation...
I'm kinda nervous..but I want to accept the challenge...
for my 2nd rotation I will be at the Anggrek Clinics...
and for my 3rd rotation, I will be at the RIPAS Mental Health Unit...
Let's just hope I can deal with everything including my presentations and assignments and..attendance..and discipline...and oSCE exam too.
I don't to disappoint others again and of course my self...
hope my supp exam is alright..and I hope to score for this semester's exams..amin..mudahan jua ku pass...I want to get an A for once in my life... I mean I have gotten B,C,D,E and F..this time I want to get an A on my favorite subjects in Nursing.