Monday, 24 May 2010

been busy...

been busy..
this semester sucks...
mostly everything...
studies...the suckiest
well, tht's life..
nwy just wana share a few photos that i took recently

Saturday, 8 May 2010


Wah! it's been so long dah...
to be exact it's been a month +++++
since I've last updated... osce sucks..hate it
I've been busy being lazy...and hoping to be
not lazy for the next Nursing and Health 4 exam coming this tuesday..
hopefully I can nailed it this time...
everything changes...i wonder why?!
well that's they say...bullshit lah nya cgu zil..hahhaa
I'm also looking forward for the face painting that we were invited to..
that is to do a charity day again...hehehe
and I'm looking forward for the exhibition too...
anyway, I wud like you to know that I'm not going to beijing this year
hopefully I'll go ikut junior for the ET..hehehe
All the best for me for this semester and the next semester...
may god bless me..amin...
